variable cost

[ˈvɛəriəbl kɔst]
  • 释义
  • 变动成本;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The proposed transmission pricing method divides transmission cost into fixed cost, variable cost and additional cost.

    提出了一种新的输电定价方法,将输电费用成本组成分成固定成本 、 变动成本和附加成本.

  • 2、

    Its fixed cost is $ 3. The variable cost unit is $ 30 and price is $ 5 unit.

    固定成本是3美元, 单位变动成本是30美元,单位售价5美元.

  • 3、

    All the cost of manufacturing a product, including both fix and variable cost.

    生产一种产品的所有的成本, 包括固定和可主为成本.

  • 4、

    According to the correlation with output, the cost is classified as fix cost and variable cost.

    根据发电成本与发电量多少有无直接关系, 将其分为固定成本和可变成本两部分.
